I was tasked with creating an "Ocean Drop" Shader for the lego Dreamzzzz series.
By combining a flow map, flipbook emissive and varying Fresnel nodes I able to create this "frosty" and ethereal looking ocean drop shader. combining that with a caustic shader I created I was able to get the look required by the client.
Adding the worlds to the given map proved to be easier said than done so in the end it was necessary to make each world a static card and add back in the animation. I did this by using after effects and photoshop before pulling it back into unreal.

The masks on the left and right were connected to a material that included a flow map and panner textures. The middle was connected to a flipbook with a few extra details. Since the original animations couldn't be kept with the card, I ended up having to paint the clouds in by hand and create a mask for that and the individual components to add in different movement.